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Config and Secret Keys


The Config Init job creates a set of secrets and configurations used by all Jans services.

To check the values of the configmaps on the current deployment run:

kubectl get configmap -n jans -o yaml

To check the values of the secrets on the current deployment run :

kubectl get secret -n jans -o yaml

Jans Configmaps#

Key Example Values
admin_inum 631e2b84-1d3d-4f28-9a9a-026a25febf44
auth_enc_keys RSA1_5 RSA-OAEP
auth_key_rotated_at 1669143906
auth_legacyIdTokenClaims false
auth_openid_jks_fn /etc/certs/auth-keys.jks
auth_openid_jwks_fn /etc/certs/auth-keys.json
auth_openidScopeBackwardCompatibility false
auth_sig_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 PS256 PS384 PS512
city Austin
couchbaseTrustStoreFn /etc/certs/couchbase.pkcs12
country_code US
default_openid_jks_dn_name CN=Janssen Auth CA Certificates
jca_client_id 1800.ca41fad2-6ab6-46b1-b4a9-3387992a8cb0
ldap_binddn cn=directory manager
ldap_init_host localhost
ldap_init_port 1636
ldap_port 1389
ldap_site_binddn cn=directory manager
ldapTrustStoreFn /etc/certs/opendj.pkcs12
ldaps_port 1636
optional_scopes ["fido2", "scim", "sql"]
orgName Janssen
test_client_id 2000.4a8f3e8b-96b0-435a-8427-a287c242f4d9
tui_client_id 2000.4a8f3e8b-96b0-435a-8427-a287c242f4d9
scim_client_id 12
state TX

Jans Secrets#

Key Encode/Decode File
auth_jks_base64 base64
auth_openid_jks_pass base64
auth_openid_key_base64 base64
couchbase_password base64
couchbase_shib_user_password base64
couchbase_superuser_password base64
encoded_admin_password ldap_encode + base64
encoded_ldapTrustStorePass pyDes + base64
encoded_ox_ldap_pw pyDes + base64
encoded_salt base64
jca_client_encoded_pw pyDes + base64
jca_client_pw pyDes + base64
ldap_pkcs12_base64 pyDes + base64 /etc/certs/opendj.pkcs12
ldap_ssl_cacert pyDes + base64 /etc/certs/opendj.pem
ldap_ssl_cert pyDes + base64 /etc/certs/opendj.crt
ldap_ssl_key pyDes + base64 /etc/certs/opendj.key
ldap_truststore_pass base64
otp_configuration base64
pairwiseCalculationKey base64
pairwiseCalculationSalt base64
tui_client_encoded_pw pyDes + base64
test_client_pw base64
tui_client_encoded_pw pyDes + base64
tui_client_pw base64
scim_client_encoded_pw pyDes + base64
scim_client_pw base64
sql_password base64
ssl_ca_cert base64 /etc/certs/ca.crt
ssl_ca_key base64 /etc/certs/ca.key
ssl_cert base64 /etc/certs/web_https.crt
ssl_csr base64 /etc/certs/web_https.csr
ssl_key base64 /etc/certs/web_https.key
super_gluu_creds base64

Example decoding secrets#

Opening base64 decoded secrets#


We assume Jans is installed in a namespace called jans

  1. Get the tls-certificate from backend secret

    kubectl get secret tls-certificate -n jans -o yaml
  2. Copy the value of the key you want to decode. For example:

      tls.crt: <encodedValue>

  3. Base64 decode the value

    echo <encodedValue> | base64 -d #replace encodedValue with the value from the previous command

Opening /etc/certs/opendj.pkcs12 file#


We assume Jans is installed in a namespace called jans

  1. Make a directory called delete_me

    mkdir delete_me && cd delete_me
  2. Get the ldap_truststore_pass from backend secret and save ldap_truststore_pass in a file called ldap_truststore_pass

    kubectl get secret cn -o json -n jans | grep '"ldap_truststore_pass":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' > ldap_truststore_pass
  3. Base64 decode the ldap_truststore_pass and save the decoded ldap_truststore_pass in a file called ldap_truststore_pass_decoded

    base64 -d ldap_truststore_pass > ldap_truststore_pass_decoded
  4. Use ldap_truststore_pass_decoded to unlock /etc/certs/opendj.pkcs12 in opendj pod.

    keytool -list -v -keystore /etc/certs/opendj.pkcs12 --storepass ldap_truststore_pass_decoded

Last update: 1 year ago2023-07-31
Created: 2 years ago2022-07-21